Go Ahead and Include These Foods Freely
In this section are foods which do not contain major amounts of carbohydrate, fat or protein in an average serve size. Therefore the energy in these foods is minimal. These foods may also be rich sources of fibre, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, trace elements and antioxidants. Some of these foods are essential to the body’s health. Others add flavour and variety to the foods eaten. ‘Free’ foods, in small quantities, have little impact on blood glucose levels and weight gain. These foods can be used to take the edge off the appetite and assist with hunger. However if you are always hungry and are a normal weight or underweight, speak to your dietitian. The following categories contain examples of ‘free’ foods. This is not a complete list – check the label of the product. Remember large quantities of vegetables are recommended for healthy eating. Refer to page 26, Australian Guide to Healthy Eating section of the traffic light guide book. Free vegetables provide important nutrition and help weight management and blood glucose control.