The Carbohydrate Counter is now available in an electronic format.
Manage your diabetes and blood glucose levels on the GO with...
iPhone/iPad/Android app
Over 2,000 foods in 17 categories including well known Australian brands, restaurant, take-away and fast foods.
The Carbohydrate Counter will help you:
- Understand what you're eating
- Maintain constant blood glucose levels
- Avoid 'hypos'
- Gain control

View your meals and its Carbohydrate values, with information about the Exchanges of it or alternatively Carbohydrate Portions.


Simply browse to select a food item, then add it to one of your meals. You can use our predefined portions suggestions when on the go or enter the precise gram amount.

You can edit your meal entries, adding or subtracting portions from it or by entering new gram amounts. |
 Click here to download the user manual for a more detailed description of the application.  |
Available for Apple iPhone, iPod touch, iPad:

Android 2.2 or higher:

Blackberry Playbook:

Developed by the Diabetes Education Centre and Paedriatic & Endocrine Service, Royal Norh Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia.